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Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus 請來 渴望已久的耶穌

Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus 請來 渴望已久的耶穌 作詞:Charles Wesley 作曲:Rowland H. Prichard 編曲:Dan Forrest 管風琴:尚傑生 Come, Thou long expected Jesus 請來 渴望已久的耶穌 Born to set Thy people free 降臨為拯救萬民 From our fears and sins release us 除掉我眾罪惡驚惶 Let us find our rest in Thee 讓我主內得安息 Israel's strength and consolation 以色列的安慰力量 Hope of all the earth Thou art 全人類的大盼望 Dear desire of every nation 萬邦萬國虔誠期待 Joy of every longing heart 飢渴心靈得歡暢 Come, o sovereign Prince of heaven 請來 至高天國君王 Come, o wondrous love divine 帶來神聖奇妙愛 Earth and heaven bow before Thee 天地皆在祢面前俯伏 Everlasting peace sublime 崇高永恆的和平 O Thou source of joy and wonder 祢是喜樂奇妙泉源 Bless us as we seek Thy face 賜福眾尋祢面者 At Thy manger grant us mercy 馬槽之前祢賜憐憫 In Thine advent grant us grace 降生時祢賜恩典 Born Thy people to Deliver 降生世界拯救萬邦 Born a child and yet a King 嬰孩耶穌是君王 Born to reign in us forever 掌管王權直到永遠 Now Thy gracious kingdom bring 今帶來榮耀天國 By Thine own eternal spirit 祈求主賜永恆聖靈 Rule in all our hearts alone 居我心房管理我 By Thine all sufficient merit 賴我救主贖罪大功 Raise us to Thy glorious throne 引我到榮耀寶座

影片上架日期: 2024年5月20日