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Blessed Assurance 有福的確據

國外詩歌 / Carrie Underwood

Blessed Assurance 有福的確據 詞:Fanny J. Crosby 曲:Pheobe Palmer Knapp Carrie Underwood Blessed assurance//有福的確據 Jesus is mine//耶穌屬我 Oh what a foretaste of//我今得先嚐 Glory divine//榮耀喜樂 Heir of salvation//為神的後嗣 Purchase of God//救贖功成 Born of His Spirit//由聖靈重生 Washed in His blood//寶血洗淨 This is my story//這是我信息 This is my song//我的詩歌 Praising my Savior//讚美我救主 All the day long//晝夜唱和 This is my story//這是我信息 This is my song//我的詩歌 Praising my Savior//讚美我救主 All the day long//晝夜唱和 Perfect submission//完全的順服 Perfect delight//快樂無比 Visions of rapture//有福的異象 Now burst on my sight//在我心裡 Angels descending//天使帶信息 Bring from above//由天而來 Echoes of mercy//報明主憐憫 Whispers of love//述說主愛 Ooh-ooh-ooh Mm mm Perfect submission//完全的順服 All is at rest//十分平安 I in my Savior//倚靠我救主 Am happy and blessed//意足心滿 Watching and waiting//儆醒以等候 Looking above//盼望主來 Filled with God's goodness//進入祂恩惠 Lost in His love//享受祂愛 Praising my Savior//讚美我救主 All the day long//晝夜唱和

影片上架日期: 2024年9月3日